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The New Urban Aesthetic.

Brunel University & University of Oxford

Architecture, suburbia and Brisbane.

Vokes and Peters

Gentrification, suburbia, cities and finance.


City, suburb, desert.


Urban agriculture as design.

University of Brighton

The social house.


Utopia, machines, Archigram and the High Tech.

University of Pennsylvania

Placemaking for the City.

Milk/ Marko & Placemakers

Architects, builders, specifications.

Newcastle University 

Architecture & AI.

Penn State/ University of Nebraska-Lincoln 

Parliament, power, politics and architecture.


Photography, architecture and everyday life.

Photographer/ filmmaker (and artist)

Civic practice in Ireland and Holland.


Making empire everyday.

UC Santa Barbara

Architectures of Indian modernity.

CEPT, Ahmedabad, India

Utopia, monster, city.


The principled architect

nimtim architects

Permaculture and building.

Small T
hings Creative Projects

From geoarcheology to architecture.

Skene Cailtling de la Peña

Animals and architecture.


Making history modern.

Chris Dyson Architects/ Writer

London's futures.

Writer/ London Society/ Museum of Architecture

Design, discipline, labour, craft.


Architecture as theory.

Pratt Institute

Object/ People/ System/ Design.

Yale University

Architecture, time and the five senses.

Aalto University

Architecture and spatial justice.


Minimalist architecture.

John Pawson 

Designing social care.

Writer, broadcaster.

Defensible space.

Boston University/ Clarion Housing Group.

Democratic Practice.

uxo architects

Conflict, aesthetics and architecture.

Goldsmiths, University of London

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